My “Jerry Maguire”Moment
Late last night, in the quiet hours when sleep escapes me, I found myself doing what many of us do—I picked up my phone and started scrolling. First, it was dog videos (Sebastian the poodle always brings a smile), then some beauty hacks, and eventually, I stumbled upon ad after ad, post after post, all promoting speakers, coaches, and advisors.
I began to wonder about these individuals, especially the ones I didn't know. Are they genuine, or just out to make a quick buck? And then it hit me—an OSM (Oh Sh** Moment). This thought led me to question how others might perceive me. Could they be wondering the same thing about my authenticity?
To put my mind at ease, I revisited my Jerry Maguire manifesto, my Brand Mantra. It grounds me, reassuring me that I am true to my values and principles. For the longest time, I've kept it to myself despite sharing almost everything else about my life.
But why hold back now? In a world where genuine connections are increasingly rare yet deeply valuable, I believe it's time to share my Brand Mantra with you. It's lengthy, but it's a reflection of who I truly am. No TL; DR needed—just an honest look into what I stand for, in case you're wondering.
"As an international keynote speaker and a trailblazer in my field, my personal brand mantra is a reflection of my journey, my beliefs, and the impact I aspire to have on the world. It's a story that I live every day, a narrative that guides my actions and my purpose.
My goal is to ignite a spark within every person I encounter, to inspire them to achieve their personal and professional goals and become the person they want to be. I am a catalyst for change, empowering others to take ownership of themselves and to discover and harness their power for good. I believe in fostering a world where people seek value from within and have the agency to decide who they are rather than waiting to be told who they should be.
People see me as a Trailblazer – resilient, successful, and dedicated to serving others. My faith and my ability to turn negatives into positives fuel my drive. I am a truth-teller, an advocate for self-care, and a light in the darkness. My mission is to break barriers and pave a smoother path for those who follow.
I am committed to making the impossible seem possible, to opening minds, and to being honest, transparent, and boldly authentic. I treat every person with grace and dignity, recognizing that everyone has an important story. My strongest commitments are to do no harm, live my truth, and support people in a way that helps them show up in their fullness.
I entered this business because I was called by God to do it. Surviving cancer reshaped my approach to leadership, teaching me the invaluable lesson of leading with love and compassion. This work is more than a career; it’s my heavenly purpose, enriched by my experiences.
What sets me apart is the lasting bond I form with my clients and community. I carry them with me long after our formal work is done. I want to help people stop dimming their light and to see strength and beauty within themselves.
I provide a mirror for people to see their light and realize they are enough. Even those who are not my clients feel the halo effect of the power, resiliency, transformation, and authenticity of this work.
I will continue to empower, impact, and shine as brightly as I can until the day my light goes out. My job is not just a profession – it's a calling. It's about being unapologetically me, a giver of light, and a pathfinder for others.
This is my personal brand mantra story – a reflection of who I am, what I stand for, and the legacy I aim to leave behind, and I am just getting started!"
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